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JOB: A Man For His Time, A Man For Our Time, A Man For All Time

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In this guide to the Book of Job for the lay person, the author exhorts us to Walk Upright , and live a holy and faultless life in the sight of God, regardless of what happens. He relates this to the example of Job, who lived an upright life and was in possession of riches, wealth and influence known to few others of his time, and graced with a loving family and a love of God. In detailing the story of suffering, pain and ultimate redemption experienced by Job, the author asks the question: Why Not Job ; in fact: Why Not Us/Me ? This, the first treatment and full explication of Job in over a decade, is fully illu+â-é+é-¼minated by abundant references to modern life and the present-day struggles and afflictions known to man. Finally, the Book of Job addresses more than Job s suffering, but also the question of how we should conduct our family life and Walk Upright. Any Christian who has known suffering and pain (and who has not), will benefit enormously from reading this book, and concluding with the author, that God s wisdom is beyond human comprehension.


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