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IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS: Healing Into Consciousness

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Expanding Universe Pub
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A recipient of five book awards, IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS: Healing into Consciousness is a luminous step-by-step spiritual guidebook to each person's journey out of fear, pain, and suffering. It offers a fresh new perspective on healing and enlightenment, and provides an in-depth understanding about the complexities of our spiritual journey to awakening. As a mystic and internationally acclaimed healer with her own healing method, Eliza Mada Dalian demystifies the truth about healing and personal growth, and covers many questions left unanswered by others. She describes the journey of healing and liberation from fear and pain in a practical manner that everyone can relate to. Clearly explaining the purpose and significance of the ego, she takes us through the seven stages of its development, to the need for its final surrender and transformation. She describes the role of the seven energy bodies and chakras in transforming the ego-mind into consciousness, and offers practical suggestions on how to break through the three veils of illusion created by our thoughts, emotions, and conditionings. She calls both the journey to awakening and awakening itself 'healing into consciousness.' Dalian teaches that each one of us can find ultimate health and wholeness within the silence of our Being by witnessing and disidentifying from our thoughts and emotions and surrendering to what it. Comprehensive instructions guide readers in how to strengthen their inner witness so that they can break through the illusion of the mind and discover the Truth for themselves. Most chapters are followed by question and answer sections; making the topics covered in each chapter more personal and down-to-earth. A wide range of exercises, as well as meditation and visualization techniques offered throughout the book, allow readers to choose those that suit their own energy type and style of practice. The author's own story described in Chapter 10, 'One Spirits Journey,' beautifully exemplifies how she herself has walked the talk that she now teaches to others. This book is the ultimate guide to living in the Now and will delight anyone who is seriously interested in spiritual transformation!

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