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UPRISINGS FOR THE EARTH: Reconnecting Culture With Nature

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White Cloud Press
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Artist-author-advocate Osprey Orielle Lake explores how the beauty, vitality, and ecological systems of the natural world can guide and transform human perspective, particularly as we face current environmental crises. She shows us that we must infuse our cultural discourse with the language, importance, and wisdom of nature--that lasting changes in our way of life will arise from and find broad support only when nature in all its transformative beauty and power is once again front and center in our every day vocabulary and life. Lake's stories, lyrical style, and thorough research frame chapters such as 'Around the Fire: From Global Warming to a Renewed Hearth,' 'Anthem to Water,' 'Democracy Ancient and Modern' and 'Honor the Women.' Lake takes us along wild rivers as she explores water conservation and the mysteries of water science and takes us to several continents where we navigate deeper into the history of culture and land. Whether you are an agent for social, environmental, or political change or a lover of natural history and literature, consider this book required reading for its inspiration, innovation, and hope for the Earth and future generations.

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