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Van Kleeck, Gail
Abundance Enterprises
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Simple Wisdom for Challenging Times is a busy person's handbook. It offers insightful, at a glance observations coupled with simple, personalized questions that its readers can consider as they go about their day. It helps them to notice some of the simple changes they might make that can help them to feel happier and more personally fulfilled Simple Wisdom for Challenging Times fits easily into busy people's lives. Because of its alphabetical arrangement, readers can go directly to the parts of the book that reflect their own most personal and heartfelt needs. Categories range from abundance to zest, with sections on asking for what we need, being enough, deadlines, forgiveness, letting go, making a difference, feeling overwhelmed, regrets and being exactly where we need to be. Simple Wisdom for Challenging Times is small enough to fit on a bedside table, yet large enough to change a life.


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