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WARPAINT OF THE GODS: Essential Thinking For The New Millennium

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Sagadevan, Nila
Truepenny Media, Inc.
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WHAT IS GOD?S RELIGION? Nila Sagadevan's new book Warpaint of the Gods asks provocatively: 'Does God have a religion? If He does, what is it? If He does not?why do we humans have so many?' An incredibly powerful message of the underlying unity of all world religions, this book aims to introduce a voice of reason to the paradox of religious bloodshed that pervades the world today. It undertakes a ruthless examination of religion's role in the brutal internecine conflict that has ruled the Earth, and concludes that human beings are so preoccupied with their own ethnocentricity (religious and ethnic) that they are blind to the horrors they are inflicting on one another. Equally important, this blinkered view of humanity has prevented us seeing the real picture?that life exists not only on the microscopic speck of cosmic dust we call Earth, but in the distant realms of the Universe, too. This vast celestial ocean renders our genocidal affinities all the more ridiculous,


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