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FREE BIRD FLIES: Choosing Life After Loss

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Voyages Press, Inc.
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Many people view death as the ultimate ending. But what if death is not the end, just merely the beginning of another part of the soul's journey? In The Free Bird Flies: Choosing Life After Loss, speaker, author, and life coach Bert Fife recounts her own journey of grieving the loss of her 21-year-old son. Using the lessons and wisdom she gained along the way, she helps readers connect with the grief they feel and move forward with a renewed sense of peace, understanding that departed loved ones are not truly gone, just absent from the physical realm. Combining Eastern and Western philosophies of death and afterlife, Fife nurtures readers and encourages them to open up to new possibilities, new ways of thinking, and new views of the afterlife. Fife's profound insights will release readers' uncertainties about the afterlife. By reading The Free Bird Flies: Choosing Life After Loss, readers everywhere will have the power to deal with death on a level that promotes mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.


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