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WIZARDRY 101: Awakening The Wizard Within You

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Abbamonte, Mary Francis
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Do you ever wish you could attend a school like Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Do you imagine yourself to be in a world full of magical possibilities? Wizardry 101 - Awakening the Wizard Within You may make your dreams come true! Unlike books that take you into magical worlds but leave you feeling disappointed when you come back to the 'real' world, this is not a fictional book. The magic doesn't stop when you stop reading! This practical guide to making magic of your own is an actual 'how-to' manual to start you on your journey into the mysterious world of wizardry that has been shrouded in myth and legend since the time of King Arthur's Merlin. This book will connect you with the source of your true power and psychic abilities - from essential ancient esoteric knowledge which holds the keys to awakening the wizard within, to conjuring spells, astral travel, wielding the energy of the elements and the light force, and working with the wizard's wand and staff. You will also learn to invoke the oracles, unlock the secrets and magic your dreams hold, and summon their power.


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