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GRAND EXPERIMENT - THE: An Expedition Of Self-Discovery

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Campbell, Madren & Gregory, Gayle & Johnson, Karen
Pure Possibility, LLC
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Seven fears drive and determine our choices and decisions. These fears severely limit our experience of life and harden our viewpoint of humanity. Just imagine what would change if we could see the underlying fear that determines behavior, the same fear that stands in the way of each of us fulfilling our unique purpose. We are not what we believe ourselves to be. Who we are is truly magnificent! 'The Grand Experiment' is a blueprint for the discovery of our authentic selves. It asks us to look closely at our fears, the foundation of the beliefs we unconsciously embrace as our reality, and asks us to reexamine their validity. It challenges us to face the very fears that have created the longing in our hearts and that make us believe who we are is not enough. It opens the door to the possibility that what we are searching for is unconditional love and it is only our fear that has obscured our view. There is a way out of being solely determined by fear, but in order to find it we must be willing to question those beliefs we hold dear and that hold us hostage. Our willingness to question opens the door to the grand experiment. 'The Grand Experiment' explores seven fearssix major myths and the foundational myth of separation. The authors candidly and nakedly share their process, insights and daemons to entice the reader into shameless exploration.

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