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ALCOHOL CAN BE A GAS! Fueling An Ethanol Revolution For The 21st Century

$59.00 each

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Product Information

Blume, David
International Institute for Ecological Agriculture
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The only comprehensive book ever written on alcohol fuel production and use for home and farm. Until now, it has been very difficult for farmers, contractors, alternative energy aficionados, those concerned about Peak Oil, and small-scale entrepreneurs to obtain good, accurate information on producing alcohol, or on converting vehicles to run on alcohol fuel. And with all the conflicting news stories about ethanol, the public finds it difficult to sort fact from fiction. This text, which has been reviewed by scientists around the world, is the definitive reference work on alcohol fuel. Alcohol Can Be A Gas! contains 640 8-1/2 by 11 pages, with 514 charts, photos, and illustrations to reinforce the information-dense text. The book is geared for the nonscientific reader, but its 473 endnotes provide the technical foundation behind the accessible prose. A 700-word glossary and a 6300-entry index extend the books usefulness. More information, the table of contents, reviews, the index, excerpts from each of the chapters, clips from the DVD, and online ordering are available at www.permaculture.com.


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