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Forrest, Jodie
Seven Paws Press
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How do you face the world? Are you centred? Are you poised? How well do you handle blind dates and job interviews? Your astrological Ascendant, the sign rising in the east at your birth, is the face you wear in the world, your social self, your astrological 'clothing'. It's just as important in your birth chart as your Sun and Moon. How well do you really understand it? Join astrologer and novelist Jodie Forrest as she examines the Ascendant through the lenses of the arts, psychology, relationships, evolutionary astrology and metaphysics. Beginners or professional astrologers will deepen their knowledge of the rising sign. With exercises for further study, topics include: Why the Ascendant may be the most overlooked and least understood member of the Primal Triad (Sun, Moon, and Ascendant); What exactly is the Ascendant?; Several working metaphors for the Ascendant, and how to apply them when analysing charts; How the Ascendant interacts with the Sun and the Moon; The ruler of the natal Ascendant; Aspects to the natal Ascendant; Dynamic events involving the Ascendant (transits, progressions and arcs); Rectification tips for the Ascendant. Includes an extensive Ascendant 'cookbook' for each rising sign.


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