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Summerland Publishing
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Patricia Starr, a woman of seemingly indefatigable energy and enthusiasm for life, wanted to give something back to her community and pursue a dream to bicycle across America. In 2004, at age 67, she accomplished both by pedaling to raise $22,000 to establish a perpetual $1,000 yearly music scholarship at Santa Barbara City College.The story of her arduous 50 day, 3,622 mile odyssey across America is told in a compelling way that is an inspiration to all. She proves that chronologic age can be overcome by enthusiasm, determination and perspiration. She describes the interesting people she met along the way and the trials and tribulations she endured while crossing four major mountain ranges and the long, lonely, barren stretches of highway in America's vast Midwest. Dusty detours, sharing the interstate with 18-wheelers and a bear scare enhance the daily excitement of this unforgettable journey by an incredible senior citizen. Whatever your age, enjoy the adventures! And lastly, it's a love story about a husband willing to do anything to help his wife succeed and endure the rigors of the road, and Patricia's stamina to carry it out! They both knew something else was watching over her so she wasn't out there alone.


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