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WATCHERS - ages 3-6

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Martin, W Lyon & Magee, Kelley "Duckee"
Magical Child Books
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Who's hiding in corners and watching in the dark? A trap is set and our hero receives a big surprise when the watchers are finally captured.Something is watching Thomas as he's sleeping. He decides that he will discover who is frightening him and hatches a plan to catch them in a trap. The story goes from spooky to secure when Thomas discovers who he has captured.A bouncing bedtime tale your kids are sure to request again and again even after they know the secret.W. Lyon Martin's new illustrated children's book Watchers is a charming bedtime story for anyone who believes in a little magic and wants to share some fairy dust with their children.The story, based upon her friend Kelley's childhood nighttime prayer, is a wonderful affirmation of protection and love by residents of the magical world. It addresses the issue of children's bedtime anxiety in a positive and comforting way, with a reassuring message at the end.Lyons trademark watercolor illustrations have been bathed in moonlight for this book. These charming paintings are full of soothing and deep colors, and are the perfect compliment to this delightful bedtime story sure to become a favorite part of any child's bedtime ritual of being tucked in with a lovely book. --Mickie Mueller - Illustrator The Well Worn Path and The Hidden Path decks


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