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FLOW OF LIFE: Channeled Meditations From Angelic Guides

$16.00 each

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The Flow of Life: Channeled Meditations from Angelic Guides is a call to live a free and honest life. Beginning with an explanation of the relationship possible for every human being with the Spiritual World, the revealed discourses give us a way to explore our psychology to bring up to date the creative memories and conclusions we hold there. The Angelic Guides tell us we are inherently free beings living behind a veil of memories. In the text, the Guides give us tools to perceive our learned behavior, developing understanding and discernment, enabling us to choose our response to the present moment. The Flow of Life is a meditation manual. By working with the indications given here, the self is revealed, as we develop the soul through the integration of meditation in our daily lives. Let The Flow of Life help you understand who you are and remember your connection to the Spiritual World. Use The Flow of Life to develop your 'witness' to learned psychology. Allow The Flow of Life to awaken you to freedom. There is a pervading truth to life that each of us knows. Our destinies are unique and so is our path to God. The Guides remind us what we already know, encouraging us to live in optimum grace and connection. Who are the Guides-a group of Angelic Beings, working non-denominationally with all of humanity through unconditional love, acceptance and upliftment. The Guides offer us access to the deep knowledge that leads to the fulfillment of our destinies. Through The Flow of Life, you can have association with these magnanimous Spiritual Helpers.

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