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MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN AND JEW: Finding A Path To Peace Our Faiths Can Share

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Faith of Life
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Faith-based conflict and religious violence threaten our world. This timely and provocative work challenges the stereotypes and misconceptions that fuel these conflicts to answer the question that lies at the nexus of faith, religion, politics, history, and current events: Can those of different faiths live together in peace? Drawing on personal experience, history, and scripture, this carefully researched book exposes both the differences and similarities between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam and reveals the surprising truth about what they really teach at their core. Dr. David Liepert recounts his own journey from Christianity to become a convert of Islam and what he learned in the process. Liepert, a prominent North American Muslim, also candidly explores how and why Islam has gone from being a religion that sustained a vibrant multicultural and multireligious civilization To The one we have today. In the end, he concludes that all three faiths, As originally intended, are designed to live and work together. The happy ending we all crave, he says, might be closer than we think. This important book is a call to peace-not just for Muslims, Christians, and Jews but for all of us. Brief Description: Our world is spiraling into war, and religion bears much of the blame. This carefully researched and heartfelt book from a prominent North American Muslim convert reveals what Christianity, Islam, and Judaism really say about living together in peace and offers hope that the happy ending we all crave might be closer than we think.

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