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Shechinah Third Temple, Inc.
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Ever since the Creation of Adam and Eve, man has grappled with knowing whether life exists after death. Because humans achieve the possible, while God accomplishes the impossible, only the Creator knows our fate and destiny at the End of Days. Scientist Jerry Pollock weaves the story of an imperfect life on Earth with an imaginative account of being interviewed in Heaven to be the Messiah. The writing becomes a testament to Divine morality, and to finding truth and sincerity in one?s heart.The protagonist in the Messiah Interviews faces a real dilemma. On the one hand, he must satisfy his biblical interviewers?the angel Gabriel, Methuselah, Chanoch, Seth, King David, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, and the prophet Isaiah?that he has the knowledge, wisdom, character traits, and leadership skills to be the Messiah. What he realizes, however, during the questioning is that he cannot do this, unless he reveals the absolute truth about his emotions and his shortcomings. As the tale unfolds, the challenges of the interviews goes beyond the protagonist and becomes relevant to the lives of each one of us. The author?s intention is to empower the reader to decide, if an additional personal spiritual effort is worth making in this life, in order to possibly gain entrance to an uncertain, futuristic Garden of Eden. The book offers a perspective on topics about God, the soul, good and evil, primal therapy, Bipolar Disorder, biblical history, religion, science, Evolution, Creation, God?s Third Temple, and the future Messianic Age.


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