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SANTA STORY REVISITED: How To Give Your Children A Santa They Will Never Outgrow

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Every year, Santa presents a dilemma for parents who love the magic-but worry about not being honest. InThe Santa Story Revisited, both memoir and how-to book, Arita Trahan sets forth a brilliant and simple solution. Drawing upon a child's innate and wondrous sense of play and imagination, she crafts a magical Santa they never outgrow. Santa is established as the hero of a favorite story and children are encouraged to 'make-believe' along with everyone else who is already playing their own version of the Santa game. Parents play Santawiththeir children, instead of justforthem. Because the child can play both roles-giving secretly as our hero Santa, As well receiving from him-they experience early the joy inherent in giving. An approach that benefits parents and children at all stages and ages, Arita also coaches the reader through various scenarios that may occur. Larry Dossey, MD, author of HEALING WORDS calls it '. a marvelous way of honoring the magic of Santa without deception. This is parenting at its best.'


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