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DIFFICULT PEOPLE: A Gateway To Enlightenment

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Rainbow Ridge Pub
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For most of us, difficult people are the bane of our existence. They annoy us, they throw us off balance, they test our patience, andùto one degree or anotherùthey provoke reactions that are decidedly unhealthy. But it is also true that difficult people (DPs) mirror our own dysfunctional mental states and provide us with wonderful opportunities to understand ourselves, heal ourselves, and learn to live in the moment. Lisette Larkins realized the positive aspect of dealing with difficult people when she was providing care for a late-stage AlzheimerÆs patient. Through daily interactions with a DP, Larkins began a personal journey of exploration that ultimately led to spiritual awakening. In Difficult People: A Gateway to Enlightenment, Larkins shares her journey and guides readers in reaching a ôchronic state of well-being.ö

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