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LAST HOURS OF ANCIENT SUNLIGHT: Waking Up To Personal & Global Transformation

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Hartmann, Thom
Three Rivers Press
'While everything appears to be collapsing around us - ecodamage, genetic engineering, virulent diseases, the end of cheap oil, water shortages, global famine, wars - we can still do something about it and create a world that will work for us and for our children's children. The inspiration for Leonardo DiCaprio's web movie Global Warning, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight details what is happening to our planet, the reasons for our culture's blind behavior, and how we can fix the problem. Thom Hartmann's book, originally published in 1998, has become one of the fundamental handbooks of the environmental activist movement. Now, with updated material and a focus on political activism and its effect on corporate behavior, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight helps us understand - and heal - our relationship to the world, to each other, and to our natural resources.'--BOOK JACKET.

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