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IN DUE SEASON: Destiny Is Calling Your Soul

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In Due Season: Destiny is Calling Your Soul is an account of my personal transformation and purpose on this earth. The title 'In Due Season,' comes from the Bible, Galatins 6: 9; 'And let not us grow weary while doing good, for in time we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.' Many have asked how to identify the purpose of their journey. They have asked how to make time to accomplish their purpose and where the money will come from. To uncover your personal transformation, you first start with a desire to create. Next, a spiritual practice of meditating, fasting and prayer, journaling, being still and listening, and physical exercising and proper nutrients will help transfrom your path. The first chapter is about the start of my journey to complete healing, wholeness and health. Second, how daily workouts, along with wholesome foods, helped to shape my weight loss and my personal journey. The 3rd chapter tells of how my soul got ready for a new perfoming arts career. Living out my childhood dreams that I carried for 39 years. 4th chapter asks are we ever too old to live out our dreams and passions in this lifetime? It's Carol's season now and yours! Last, how to identify your calling, purpose, or mission on this earth.


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