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365 WAYS TO LIVE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: Harness The Power Of Positive Thinking Every Day Of The Year

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Adams Media
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Love, success, happiness, a long and healthy lifethese are the things the Law of Attraction promises to deliverbut how? It sounds easy enough, but what does it really mean? In this book, you find the practical steps you need to harness the power of the universe and transform your life. Each of the 365 entries provides a simple, concrete action item guaranteed to attract good things into the your life, such as: Use the tarot to attract the perfect romantic partner Learn to say no to the bad so you can say yes to the good Make a wealth poster to attract more success Run a water fountain to stimulate the positive flow of money Use affirmations to boost your healthy energy Meditate to achieve serenity and peace of mind With this engaging, enlightening guide, you find the spiritual path to your wildest dreams, one day at a time!

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