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CELTIC WOMEN IN MUSIC: A Celebration Of Beauty & Sovereignty

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Sullivan, Maireid
Quarry Music Books
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Celtic music and dance have taken North American culture by storm, becoming the soundtrack of our age. 'Riverdance, Braveheart, Gael Force, and 'Celtic Tides are just a few of the shows featuring Celtic music. Aside from such notable male acts as The Chieftains, this music has largely been written and performed by women, either as solo artists or as band leaders, whose work has been compiled, somewhat anonymously, on such 'CDs as A Woman's Heart and 'Women of the World: Celtic. But who are these women? What inspired them to perform? What do they feel about traditional and contemporary Celtic culture? Based on exclusive interviews, 'Celtic Women in Music profiles the careers of 30 artists including Maire Brennan (Clannad), Dolores Keane, Eileen Ivers (Riverdance), Mary Jane Lamond, Karen Matheson (Capercaillie), Loreena McKennitt, Maddy Pryor, June Tabor, and Jean Ritchie. These musicians reveal the devotion to traditional Celtic culture that inspires their art and the sense of personal sovereignty that informs their lives as women.


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