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RIPE FROM AROUND HERE: A Vegan Guide To Local & Sustainable Eating - No Matter Where You Live

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Arsenal Pulp Press
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Praise for jae steele's Get It Ripe:“This book is less a cookbook than an all-in-one guide to healthy vegan living, for which steele's holistic-nutritionist training is put to good use.”— VegNewsGet It Ripe , jae steele’s 2008 cookbook, established her as a credible and charismatic authority on veganism; her holistic nutritionist background and sassy cowpunk sensibility encouraged countless others to “get it ripe.” Her new cookbook underscores the importance of local, sustainable eating and living by helping readers deepen their understanding of organic and local foods and their positive impact on our health and our planet.The book includes chapters on the concept of local food and why it’s important; finding a balance between various food issues, personal priorities and values; and the benefits of the local food movement that go beyond reducing our carbon footprint. It also helps readers become more informed about where their food comes from, no matter where they live, whether their source is the farmer’s market or the grocery store down the street.The book's 180 recipes, which encourage the use of fresh, organic ingredients wherever possible (as well as potential alternatives depending on where you live), include Strawberry Rhubarb Muffins, Pear Parsnip Soup, Asparagus and Spring Onion Quiche, Mushroom Asparagus Risotto, and Butternut Chipotle Chocolate Cake.Both thought-provoking and delectable, steele's new cookbook makes any time the “ripe” time to go vegan.jae steele is a holistic nutritionist who runs the popular blog Domestic Affair. She lives in Toronto.

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