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DRY SPRING: The Coming Water Crisis Of North America

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Wood, Chris
Raincoast Books
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As it warms, our world is running out of fresh water--fast. Lakes, aquifers and rivers are disappearing, but we consume more water than ever. What will this mean for North Americans? Dry spring shows dramatically how water loss will devastate countless communities over the next 25 years--cities and farms, forests and coastlines, ranches and orchards. The scarcity of water challenges the soaring success of some of our continent's fastest-growing regions: the American Southwest, the arid plains of Western Canada, the cross-border Great Lakes Basin. Yet while unprecedented dryness afflicts such areas as these, violently wet storms pummel many others. And drought and flooding will only worsen over time. In years to come, Canada will get more water and the U.S. less; Wood demonstrates provocatively what this will mean for political relations. He concludes with inspiring examples of choices we can all make that will help us preserve our water for future generations.


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