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GREEN FOR LIFE: The Updated Classic On Green Smoothie Nutrition

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North Atlantic Books
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Everyone knows they need to eat more fruits and vegetables, but even consuming the minimum FDA-recommended five servings a day can be challenging. InGreen for Life,raw foods pioneer Victoria Boutenko presents an overlooked powerhouse of nutrition in this equation: greens. For their bounty of minerals and nutrients, greens exceed other vegetables in value.Green for Lifedetails the immense health benefits of greens and suggests an easy way to consume them in sufficient quantities: the green smoothie. This quick, simple drink benefits everyone, regardless of lifestyle, diet, or environment. Green smoothies eliminate toxins, correct nutritional deficiencies, and are delicious. Green for Lifeincludes the latest information on the abundance of protein in greens, the benefits of fiber, the role of greens in homeostasis, the significance of stomach acid, how greens make the body more alkaline, the healing power of chlorophyll, and more. Also included are the results of a pilot study demonstrating the effectiveness of adding just one quart of green smoothies a day to oners's diet, without changing anything else in dietary intake. Green smoothie testimonials and recipes give readers confidence and motivation in exploring green smoothies for themselves. Offering more in-depth nutritional and experiential information than Boutenkors's recently releasedGreen Smoothie Revolution, Green for Lifemakes an ideal companion piece to its recipe-rich successor.


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