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CATALOGUE OF ANGELS: The Heavenly, The Fallen & The Holy Ones Among Us

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Wright, Vinita Hampton
Paraclete Press (MA)
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This concise, entertaining overview of angels according to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam will appeal to readers who are interested in ancient, medieval, and Renaissance history and theology, as well as those who are intrigued by what is unusual or hidden in traditional religion. The three Abrahamic faiths share many of the same sacred stories and holy people, and a study based upon these linked traditions brings a layered richness to the topic of angels?both evil and divine. Readers will explore the origin and nature of angels, where they dwell, what they do, and how they relate to humanity. We learn what these faiths have to say about fallen angels (or, demons), and we see also how doctrine and theology sometimes merge with legend and superstition. A short encyclopedia of terms and names is included at book's end which will enlighten the study of angelic beings in the religions of the world for years to come.


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