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BEYOND SMELLS AND BELLS: The Wonder & Power Of Christian Liturgy

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Galli, Mark
Paraclete Press (MA)
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Liturgy lures us through our senses, grounds us in a great tradition, and plants us in the midst of a diverse community, present and past. Are you attracted to liturgy but don't know why? Are you considering changing to liturgical tradition? Are you already immersed in liturgical worship but want to grasp its deeper significance? 'Beyond Smells and Bells' addresses the lure and relevance of liturgy for your life today. Thousands of Christians become interest in liturgy each year for the first time, as they turn to orthodoxy, tradition, and the lasting rituals of the Christian faith. In a culture that values spontaneity, liturgy grounds us in something enduring. In a culture that assumes truth is a product of the mind, liturgy helps us experience truth in mind, body, and spirit. In Mark Galli's able telling, liturgy is an intruguing story, full of mystery, that transforms us. 'Mark Galli's book almost pursuides me to become high church! This warm and personal overview commits me to work for a renewal of historic liturgical practice in the so-called low churches.'-Scot McKnight Ph.D., author of 'The Jesus Creed' 'In this warm and engaging book, Mark Galli makes a compelling case for the relevance of Christian liturgy in our postmodern, individualistic age. Through lucid examples and moving personal testimony, Gallie explains the countercultural appeal of liturgical worship that spans the denominational spectrum.'-Colleen Carroll Campbell, former White House speechwriter and author of 'The New Faithful: Why Young Adults Are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy' Mark Galli is senior managing editor of 'Christianity Today.' He is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and the author of 'Francis of Assisi and His World,' and 'Jesus Mean and Wild: The Unexpected Love of an Untamable God.' He is married and has been worshiping in the Anglican tradition for nearly 20 years, most recently as a member of Church of the Resurrection in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.


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