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SCHWARZBEIN PRINCIPLE II: The Transition--A Regeneration Process To Prevent...Aging

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Schwarzbein, Diana
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In her very successful book, The Schwarzbein Principle, renowned endocrinologist Diana Schwarzbein introduced her scientifically proven conclusion that degenerative diseases are not genetic, but acquired.Many studies have supported this, proving that life expectancy is 75 to 90 percent due to habits and only 10 to 25 percent due to genetics. This means that someone who is genetically destined to die at age 100 may not live past age 60 because of poor habits and lifestyle choices that cause accelerated aging and premature death. Conversely, a person can live to 100 and be functionally healthy.In this highly anticipated follow-up, Diana Schwarzbein, M.D., goes beyond the diet she introduced in her first book-which literally helped thousands of people lose weight-and offers a personalized anti-aging program for readers to heal their metabolisms and stop advanced aging in its tracks. Weaving in groundbreaking research and provocative case studies-including her own regeneration and that of her clients-she leads readers through a series of eye-opening questionnaires, which identify where they are on their path to either accelerated or healthy aging. Based on readers' answers, she leads them to the 'how-to' sections, which explain, in easy-to-follow and personalized detail, the steps they need to take to restore healthy functioning. For each unique situation, she covers five areas: Nutrition , Hormone Replacement Therapy (if needed), Tapering Off Toxic Chemicals or Avoiding Them Completely , Cross-Training Exercises and Stress Management.The Schwarzbein Principle II is sure to follow the success of the first book and will help people live a more healthful lifestyle by embracing a regeneration process to prevent and reverse accelerated aging.

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