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LION OF SIDDHAS: The Life & Teachings Of Padampa Sangye

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Sangye, Padampa & Senge, Chokyi & Molk, David & Tsering Wangdu Rinpoche
Snow Lion Publications
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Padampa Sangye's influence on the Buddhism of Tibet and China is profound. This translation of his biography introduces us to a transcendent, irascible, and iconoclastic figure. Padampa Sangye encouraged his disciplines to disregard social conventions, disdain social contact, and break through their cultural conditioning. Although able to deliver lengthy sermons, Padampa Sangye taught just as often entirely without words, or with cryptic messages similar to Zen koans. His outlandish style and miraculous deeds will captivate readers. The comprehensive presentation of his spiritual career, teachings, and deeds will make it an indispensable reference work for students of Eastern spirituality.


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