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FROM SEEKERS TO FINDERS: The Myth & Reality About Enlightenment

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Nadeen, Satyam
Hay House
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Nadeen's first book, From Onions to Pearls, dealt primarily with his own personal experience of awakening from a third-dimensional perspective of life that is conditioned by identifying with whatever the mind projects as real. This condition he calls 'the human predicament.' Something happened to him that effortlessly 'shifted' him right into the fourth dimension where, free from identity with the mind, an abiding sense of presence sees through the illusion of free will and being a separate doer.In this book, he shares with us how this shift is affecting all 'seekers' afflicted with an intense longing to finally go 'home' and know the thoughts of God. But the problem in becoming a 'finder' is that the reality is buried under thc confusion of thousands of years of concepts around this whole idea of enlightenment. Does anyone out there really know what they are talking about? After interviewing many thousands of awakening ones in satsang intensives around the world, there is now emerging a clear pattern in Nadeen's explanation of what actually happens when seekers become finders. Most important of all: This shift is happening now!


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