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ANIMAL MAGICK: The Art Of Recognizing & Working With Familiars

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Conway, D J
Llewellyn Publications
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The use of animal familiars began long before the Middle Ages in Europe. It can be traced to ancient Egypt & beyond. To most people, a familiar is a witch's companion, a small animal that helps the witch perform magick, but you don't have to be a witch to have a familiar. In fact you don't even have to believe in familiars to have one. You may already have a physical familiar living in your home in the guise of a pet. Or you may have an astral-bodied familiar if you are intensely drawn to a particular creature that is impossible to have in the physical. There are definite advantages to befriending a familiar. They make excellent companions, even if they are astral creatures. If you work magick, the familiar can aid by augmenting your power. Familiars can warn you of danger, & they are good healers.Most books on animal magick are written from the viewpoint of the Native American. This book takes you into the exciting field of animal familiars from the European Pagan viewpoint. It gives practical meditations, rituals, & power chants for enticing, befriending, understanding, & using


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