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MIND MAGIC: Techniques For Transforming Your Life

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Hiatt, Marta
Llewellyn Publications
The key to changing your life for the better lies in the ability to change your thoughts and beliefs. Easier said than done? Yes, if you don't know where to begin or how to let go of your negative programming. 'Mind Magic 'was written to let you accomplish the miracle of transforming your life by transforming yourself. Marta Hiatt, an experienced psychotherapist, gives you a full set of easily mastered techniques including self-hypnosis, guided visualizations, and self-healing affirmations. These tools will let you erase the negative mental patterns that poison your life and let your light shine as it was meant to. Dr. Hiatt also explains in clear, non-technical language why these methods are so effective--and reveals some surprising truths about the role of consciousness in the universe. Your future is being formed right now within your conscious and subconscious mind. What you believe and habitually visualize is the underlying basis of everything you experience as reality. If a negative inner life creates a negative outer life, then the opposite is also true. The secret to success is in learning how to transform your inner landscape so your life fulfills your highest promise, and not your worst fears. This is the purpose of 'Mind Magic.' These techniques are easily understood and readily mastered, yet their effect cannot be overstated. Health, love, prosperity, self-confidence, inner peace: there is nothing you can not create when you work with the source--your own mind.

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