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AURA ENERGY: For Health, Healing & Balance

$19.99 each

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Slate, Joe H
Llewellyn Publications
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Imagine an advanced energy/information system that contains the chronicle of your life-past, present, & future. By referring to it, you could discover exciting new dimensions to your existence. You could uncover important resources for new insights, growth, & power.You possess such a system right now. It is your personal aura. In his latest book, Dr. Joe H. Slate illustrates how each one of us has the power to see the aura, interpret it, & fine-tune it to promote mental, physical & spiritual well-being. College students have used his techniques to raise their grade-point averages, gain admission to graduate programs, & eventually get the jobs they want. Now you can use his aura empowerment program to initiate an exciting new spiral of growth in all areas of your life.


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