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52 WEEKS OF CONSCIOUS CONTACT: Meditations For Connecting With God, Self & Others

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Beattie, Melody
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What gets in the way of serenity? For most people, the answer is life--those everyday distractions, obligations, and frustrations that cause chaos and clutter. In her new week- by-week guidebook, best-selling self-help author Melody Beattie brings new hope to individuals longing to lead a more serene life. Organized as weekly collections of stories, meditations, and suggestions, 52 Weeks of Conscious Contact addresses key self-care issues, including how to nurture inner peace, when to reach out to others, how to carry through on good intentions, where to make time for fun, and how to cultivate a deeper prayer life. Beattie's thoughtful prose and practical advice provide new opportunities for reflection, affirmation, and change.


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