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JOURNEY TO TIBET'S LOST LAMA: A Woman's Pilgrimage, The Karmapa In Exile...

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Naher, Gaby
Ulysses Press
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The once-in-a-lifetime experience of personally meeting with the Dalai Lama changed author Gaby Naher's life and started her on a personal pilgrimage to meet Tibet's second most renowned lama, the 17th Karmapa. In Journey to Tibet's Lost Lama, Naher invites readers to join her journey far into the mountains of Northern India for a meeting with the young spiritual leader who is forced by Sino-Indian politics to live in a deserted monastery as a prisoner in all but name. Along the way, Naher paints a vivid portrait of the multifaceted backdrop to the boy's life by skillfully weaving together the life story of the boy lama, the biographies of the previous 16, and the recent history of Tibet. Full of intrigue, drama, and miracle, the story reads like colorful fiction yet holds the pain and hope of truth.

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