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IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HAIR: And Other Certainties Of Life & Cancer

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Jarvis, Debra
Sasquatch Books
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Culled from the author's years of knowing, comforting, supporting, and treating cancer patients, Debra Jarvis' book is a heartfelt ode to both her own experiences with cancer - both as a chaplain in a cancer clinic, and as a cancer patient herself - and to those who share them. Exploring both the spiritual and personal aspects of cancer, as well as the social and cultural views of health, disease, life, and death, Jarvis' account speaks to the uncertainties, fears, and overall process inherent in dealing with the disease. She writes with great honesty, humour, and wisdom, and the overall effect is one that both charms and moves the reader.As an ordained minister she considers her voice to be a combination of Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid' and Martha Stewart (pre-felon, that is), a persona she labels Mr. Martha Miyagi. It's mystical and practical.


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