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KNEE OF LISTENING: The Divine Ordeal Of The Avataric Incarnation Of Conscious Light

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Samraj, Adi Da
The Dawn Horse Press
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First published in 1972,The Knee of Listeningis the spiritual autobiography of the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj. Containing simple narrative, ecstatic poetry, complex argument, and discourse, Adi Da's autobiography reveals the miraculous story of his unique incarnation and revelation in the west for 'the sake of liberating all beings.' The revised edition includes an expanded description of Adi Da's early life leading up to his divine reawakening in 1970, as well as revelations about the spiritual work of the great realizers in his lineage. 'From time to time, there is a book that challenges, and eventually changes, the entire perspective of a civilization. In modern times, Charles Darwin'sOrigin of Specieswas such a bookand, centuries before Darwin,On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheresof Copernicus (the first publication of the theory that the earth orbits the sun).The Knee Of Listeningis such an epoch-making bookin an entirely different way. Appearing at the beginning of the third millennium of the Common Era, it carries a Revelation that has the potential to transform all future time. This book is not about how life on earth physically evolved, nor the design of the solar system (of which this planet is a part).The Knee Of Listeningis about Reality Itself, the Reality within which this earth and its cosmic locale arisethe Blissful, Effulgent, Conscious Force of Being which is always so, and which can be located and enjoyed under every possible condition, and in every dimension of space-time.' from the Introduction by Carolyn Lee, PhD


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