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AVATAR OF WHAT IS: The Divine Life & Work Of Adi Da

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Lee, Carolyn
The Dawn Horse Press
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In the depth of every being lies the inherent heart-impulse to be completely and utterly Free. In this book, you will be introduced to the life and teaching of Adi Da Samraj, who not only speaks to this impulse, but who is that freedom, communicating itself to you in every possible way, through his person, his teaching and his art. To find him is to find the very heart of Reality ? tangibly known by you, at heart, as the deepest truth of existence. This is the great mystery that you are invited to discover. When Adi Da Samraj was born, in New York in 1939, he was completely aware of his Divine condition. He existed only as this radiant state, full of Love-Bliss, and named it the 'Bright.' Around the age of two years, he relinquished the enjoyment of the 'Bright' and identified with the self-contracted state of ordinary beings. This initiated an unprecedented ordeal of relentless investigation into the Nature of Reality. Carolyn Lee tells the remarkable story of Adi Da's life and work.


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