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PUTTING ON THE MIND OF CHRIST: The Inner Work Of Christian Spirituality

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Marion, Jim
Hampton Roads Publishing Company
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What does it mean to follow the path of Christ today? For Jim Marion, former Catholic monk, mystic, and attorney, if you want to join the Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven, you must do so while living as a human on the Earth. It's not something that automatically happens to Christians after death, nor can the Church do it for you. Indeed, says Marion, inner spiritual growth has always been the true essence of Christian practice.Putting on the Mind of Christ is the ardent expression of a modern mystic reporting his spiritual experiences within a 'Christ-focused' framework. Neither evangelist nor theorist, Marion is a Christian practitioner--he's simply done what the scriptures advise. For Christians who are disaffected with contemporary Christianity there is another way--Marion calls it the 'old original way'-to experience the true spirituality of Christianity.Drawing upon his own rich mystical experience and deep understanding of scriptural models, Marion shows the reader how to emulate the developmental stages of the Christ--how to put on the mind of Christ to achieve spiritual illumination and communion with the Christ. Pioneering, transcendent and grounded, Putting on the Mind of Christ may permanently alter the landscape of 21st century Christianity.


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