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SPIRITUAL BUSINESS: The Amazing & True Story Of Magical Blend Magazine

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Langevin, Michael Peter
Hampton Roads Publishing Company
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Magical Blend magazine has been a window into spiritual and creative possibilities for 25 years. Today it sells more than 120,000 copies per issue, is carried in major bookstore chains, and has subscribers in all fifty states and 33 countries. In 25 years it has published an impressive list of authors, artists, and celebrities. (To name just a few: Carlos Santana, Caroline Myss, Spike Lee, Carlos Castaneda, Jean Houston, Deepak Chopra, and Neale Donald Walsch.) But it began as the cooperative project of a small group of visionaries, spiritual pilgrims, poets, artists, and writers.Publisher Michael Peter Langevin was there from the beginning. In fact, the first issues were put together in his apartment in San Francisco's Haight/Ashbury district. In Spiritual Business, he tells the whole outrageous tale, full of idealism, conflict, perseverance, expensive lessons, ingenuity, blind faith--and sex, drugs, and rock and roll.The founding members who set out to provide an outlet for the creativity they saw all around them were kids, knowing nothing of business and little of self-discipline. For years they fought the odds, each other, and the economic system. Along the way the magazine encountered--and overcame--massive staff changes, debilitating illnesses, and bankruptcy. In the process, their youth became maturity, and visionaries became business professionals.This engaging story of the birth, growth, and maturity of Magical Blend serves as a template for those with a dream. Its history demonstrates that you can fulfill your dreams and achieve your highest vision, even if you have to go into business to do it!This is the story of how the impossible can be achieved.


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