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JESUS: The Explosive Story Of The 30 Lost Years & The Ancient Mystery Religions

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Hampton Roads Publishing
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Where was Jesus for the first thirty years of his life? Where and what was he taught? Who were his teachers? This fascinating volume offers startling new evidence culled from hard-to-find Vatican texts, theosophical classics, legends and hermetic symbolism to construct radical new picture of Jesus and his times. McCannon postulates that Jesus spent at least seven years in Egypt, a number of years in England, and visited both India and Tibet before beginning his public ministry in Palestine. This is a wide-ranging examination of the direct links and similarities between Jesus teachings and the teachings of various mystery religions and sects that were popular during his lifetime, including the Essenes, Buddhists, and Druids. McCannon offers compelling evidence that places Jesus life and mission firmly in the context of the deeper spiritual teachings that came before him.


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