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EXTRATERRESTRIAL ANSWER BOOK: UFOs, Alien Abductions & The Coming ET Presence

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Hampton Roads Publishing
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In 1987 Jim Moroney had an extraterrestrial encounter at a small truck stop just outside Manitoba, Canada. It changed his life forever. He spent the next twenty years studying the phenomenon of extraterrestrials. His book will provide answers to all your questions about visitors from other planets, including: Why are they here? When were the first recorded sightings of aliens? Where do most sightings occur? What kind of scientific evidence is there for the presence of aliens? How is the government responding? How will an alien abduction affect your personal relationships? Jim Moroney's The Extraterrestrial Answer Bookis a valuable guide for everything extraterrestrial. In it, Moroney outlines steps the government needs to take to address the presence of extraterrestrials, as well as those average people can take. Full of practical advice to help you prepare for an encounter with an extraterrestrial, The Extraterrestrial Answer Booksucceeds in answering the most important question in the debate over extraterrestrials and UFOs. We are not alone.


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