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KICK-ASS CREATIVITY: An Energy Makeover For Artists, Explorers & Creative Professionals

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Hampton Roads Pub Co Inc
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There are over 40 million people who work in creative careers. You may be one of them. Or, perhaps, you would like to join their ranks. If either of these statements is true, this book is for you. Maziarz offers a concrete program for helping you tap into and develop your creative potential. In fact, if your incorporate these teachings into your life, you can be not only creative, but kick-ass creative. Maziarz provides a framework full of fun and practical tips for kick-starting the creative process. Included are: An examination of energy and what it has to do with art. How to deep with your deepest motivations, desires, and feelings. Concrete tips about time management. How to develop a support group. How to get rid of those flimsy excuse that block your creative output.


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