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THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS: Synchronicity & The Stories Of Our Lives

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Hopcke, Robert H
Riverhead Trade
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A woman is set up on a blind date with the same man, years apart, on two different coasts. A singer's career changes direction when she walks into the wrong audition. A woman receives an unexpected gift -- after repeatedly dreaming about that very item. It was Carl Jung who coined the term 'synchronicity' for those odd, haunting coincidences that we all experience -- those moments when events seem to conspire to tell us something, to teach us, to turn our lives around. They are the strange 'plot developments' that make us feel as if we are characters in a grand, mysterious story. How do we identify these startling coincidences as something special? How do we recognize their significance…and learn to use them as turning points toward a more meaningful life story? In this inspiring book, Jungian psychotherapist Robert Hopcke explores the role of synchronicity in our love lives and work lives, in the everyday and the spiritual, in waking and in dreams. Filled with fascinating stories, 'There Are No Accidents' offers us a 'novel' way to examine our lives -- as coherent, powerful narratives in which we ourselves are the protagonists. About the Author____________________ Robert H. Hopcke is a psychotherapist and the director of the Center for Symbolic Studies, an institute for training in psychoanalytic and Jungian-oriented psychotherapy. He has led workshops across the country, and lives in Berkeley, California.


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