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CODEPENDENCE AND THE POWER OF DETACHMENT: How To Set Boundaries & Make Your Life Your Own

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Casey, Karen
Conari Press
A codependent lives as if as if what others think matters more than what they think, as if they can please or change someone else, as if they have to answer to another person or persons rather than their own inner voice and Higher Power. It s an insidious and pervasive addiction. And there is a simple way out of it detachment.Karen Casey takes us through the steps of detachment admitting our attachment, surrendering outcome, forgiving, focusing our attention on what works. When we give up judging others, we become accountable for our own behavior and let others spouses, family, coworkers be accountable for themselves. The power of detachment is a power anyone can claim. It s the power of sanity, of peace, of finding our own inner strength.Casey shares insights and tools she s discovered in her own decades of sobriety and in talking with dozens of other codependents. Her unique treatment of this much talked about but not clearly understood syndrome focuses not on naming or on cause, but on the individual s own power to detach from the bad situation and make a choice for recovery. Codependence and the Power of Detachment is sure to become the new classic in the field.

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