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A-Z GUIDE TO HEALING FOODS: A Shopper's Reference

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Conari Press
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Filled with science, natural remedies and modern wisdom, this portable and concise reference is needed by those confused by the all the claims of superfoods or who want to make an informed decision about what foods are best for them. Yoga instructor, nutrition expert and active mother Elise Collins has compiled a compact yet comprehensive list of healing foods, their vitamin and mineral content, and what they do to promote health, prevent disease, and decrease symptoms of illness. Arranged alphabetically and complete with a cross-reference for what's best to eat to treat specific ailments, this guidebook to nutrition is designed to be as convenient as a shopping list. Included are preparation tips and recipes make this the ultimate tool for joyful eating and radiant health. The A-Z Guide to Healing Foods inspires the reader to explore, prepare, procure, grow, taste, savor, and above all, enjoy healing foods. This guide will steer readers towards fabulous foods that foster an overall sense of well being.

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