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GREEN DEVOTIONAL: Active Prayers For A Healthy Planet

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Conari Press
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Our planet, our home, is in crisis plain and simple and this collection of quotes, poems, essays, and prayers will inspire all to reverse actively the man-made cause of global warming, stem the tide of environmental destruction, and reconnect to the good earth. Short essays of topical interest introduce each of the eight sections of this book, and the 250 voices inside, most of them contemporary, begin to harmonize together as they seem to call out for their own canonical structure - one bounded by the ancient elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. This collection of voices is like a 'green book of devotional hours', reminiscent of the Books of Hours medieval people used to hold in their palms. It was called 'a cathedral in your hands'. And like that medieval book, The Green Devotional reminds us that we are connected to something broader and wiser than ourselves. Included are selections from such people as Rachel Carson, Cornel West, Bill McKibben, Alice Walker, Sue Monk Kidd, Dean Koontz, Barbara Kingsolver, Daniel Pinchbeck, Arundhati Roy, and many others. The Green Devotional ends with a section of 'closing prayers' that prepare us not just to go to sleep but to rest up for another day of passionate action.


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