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KIDS ARE FROM JUPITER: A Guide For Puzzled Parents

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Chamberlain, Mark
Deseret Book Company
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Parenting is a puzzling task. The rules are always changing, expert opinions vary widely, and strategies that work with child number one are rarely effective for child number two. But help is on the way! Mark Chamberlain begins his delightful book by describing 'How to Host an Alien', offering understanding of those confusing little beings we call our children. 'How to Neutralize Parent Paralyzers' teaches parents to work past the stumbling blocks of guilt, feelings of inadequacy, and perfectionism. Readers will learn such tricks of the trade as learning to pounce when a child is behaving rather than misbehaving, how to channel children's attention back to choices they can make, and how to make bad behavior costly. (The author's own mother finally posted a sign, '10 cents per slam', on the back door to curb door slamming habits.)Kids Are from Jupiter is a funny, sympathetic, sensible, and enormously practical guide for Earthling moms and dads everywhere.


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