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STILL, SMALL VOICE: A Psychic's Guide To Awakening Intuition

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Bodine, Echo
New World Library
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In A Still, Small Voice, famed psychic Echo Bodine turns to a subject she knows deeply and is passionate about: intuition. Using humorous anecdotes and a positive, readable style, this sequel to Echoes of the Soul explores what intuition is, where it's located, what it sounds like, and how to cultivate it.The author, who comes from a family of psychics, exposes the various internalized voices that can mask one's intuition. These include the voices of parents, grandparents, peers, therapists, significant others, religious figures, and society, along with emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, and despair. The book challenges the cliche that psychic abilities and intuition are the same, or that they are evil. One chapter is devoted to the many practical benefits that come from listening to intuition; another looks at the 'faith-building times' in life and how to cope with others' negative reactions to setting off on the spiritual path.


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