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CAREER CHRONICLES: An Insider's Guide To What Jobs Are Really Like--The Good, The Bad & The Ugly From Over 750 Professio

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Gregory, Michael
New World Library
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In this nuts-and-bolts guide, over 750 professionals speak candidly about “the good, the bad, and the ugly” of two dozen popular professions. Dispensing with romantic fantasies, real-world professionals — from nurses and pharmacists to architects and attorneys — speak about the day-to-day realities of their careers in six categories: College vs. Reality; The Biggest Surprise; Hours and Advancement; The Best and the Worst; Changes in the Profession; and Would You Do It All Over Again?Chapters include overviews of each profession, followed by helpful information about education, testing, and registration and licensing requirements; the number of positions across the country; and the average starting or median annual salaries. This valuable resource is filled with the open, personal insights and observations most students and career-changers want — and need — to make informed decisions about what they will do with the rest of their lives.


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