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DOGS AND THE WOMEN WHO LOVE THEM: Extraordinary True Stories Of Loyalty, Healing & Inspiration

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New World Library
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When the nurturing nature of women meets the loyalty and unguarded affection of dogs, remarkable stories ensue. This book showcases these amazing connections and the resulting courageous and compassionate acts of love and healing they bring about — for the dogs, the women, and all of the people whose lives they touch. Readers laugh, smile, and tear up with the help of adorable shelter dogs, police canine handlers, dogs rescued from hurricanes, returning veterans united with service dogs (and the prison inmates who train them), and everyday mutts who transform lives just by providing an exuberant welcome at the end of the day. There’s even a dog that dazzled David Letterman on his Late Show. Ideal for anyone who loves a dog, or simply loves to be inspired, this book delivers a full dose of canine companionship.


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